Thursday, October 9, 2014

JY - Invest in RE is more of buying yourself a job

By JY (From online forum)

Invest in RE is more of buying yourself a job... 2009-01-31 07:35:52

anyone that is in RE longer than 10 years should already know the growth pain, when you first started, only few units on hand, you do everything yourself, 90% of RE investor quit at this stage, but as you grow to 30 or more units, you can afford to have full time helps, bank will look at you in a better way, then your job become a bit easier, but compare to putting money in CD or I-bond, it still is a hard job, and requires patient and consistency over long period of time.

I never encourage people invest in RE blindly, I always tell them to think not only twice but three times before they do, I had post here many times to discourage people to chase high appreciation on RE investing, but RE's magic is definitely there, it just take a long long time for you to know it, 8% return on CD or I-bond maybe great but will never make you financially free.

I believe all the people comes to this forum are highly educated, and I bed most of you are MS or PHD or even higher, but how many are you working at a dead end job that you hate and worry about lay off tomorrow? I am glad I never have to worry about it.

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